Hello again my friends, T here. What a tumultuous first few day's it has been. It was so much easier expanding the company item by item adding products and websites as we went. Trying to get everything up and running at once is a daunting task at best, Holy shit is their a ton ( and I mean a ton) of things to do.
Going through our inventory re-doing all the listings, taking photo's product descriptions ect,ect is enough to drive you insane. It's only because I absolutely LOVE our instrument and I love selling great products to my fellow drummers keeps me going. We will continue to list products for the next few weeks and begin shooting some new vid's within a few days. I have also made a commitment to keep this blog much more active and current than we previously had done previously.
Clearly this is a great way to stay in touch with and keep everyone posted about the comings and goings of Cymbals & Snares. Plus it is a great place to go into depth about our products, of which some brands you might not be familiar with. So things are moving well, I have gotten an awesome response from virtually everybody who has written me. I honestly can't believe so many of you were really into what I was doing, In just the few day's C&S has re-opened for business I already know I made the correct decision. I will speak more on that in my next Blog. Until them my friends keep it 4/4 time. T
Sustained is perfect.