Well Hello Everyone It is T and I have returned to blow off the dust to my long neglected blog. This actually the first blog this year, after you here what's been going down you can perhaps forgive me.
Let's recap the last 2 months. Christmas was a record breaker for us. Our best month ever. Despite us not getting 2 major orders one from Wuhan the other from Silken until the 16th and 17th of December. We worked at a feverish pace to get every order we took in shipped out by Christmas. We cut it so close I was getting paniky. We had accepted thousands of dollars worth of orders on the promise from our vendors that the mother load of product was just a day or two away. With one company this went on from around Nov 28 th. Never again we learned a great lesson and will begin our Christmas ordering no later than Oct 1.
After Christmas Cymbals & Snares solidified our position as a major player for Silken cymbals, Recieveing well over 100 cymbals from them after the music trade show NAMM in January. Infact as of this writing we are the only authorized Silken dealer in the USA. A fact were very proud of. If you havent checked them out yet go to our website and peruse our extensive selection or you can go to our totally re-vamped You Tube channel http://www.youtube.com/ILDUCE61 and just check out the Videos. Were at close to 80 product Video's, plus video favorites we've downloaded and some our customer and freinds have sent in. It's really becoming a very interactive channel, and we love it. So shoot over there when you get a chance and subscribe we got room the more the merrier.
While your checking out either listings or Vid's on YT you may notice something . A change that was looong overdue. We laid out for a great new HI-def Video camera with digital audio. Compared to our old video presentation's it's like night and day. The one constant complaint we recieved especially about our listing Vid's was the poor quality of picture and sound. These were totally legit complaints. We had so rushed into getting set up we soon realized our video's were probably hurting us as much as helping. The one way and opportunity to impress a potential customers was being squandered for the lack of proper equipment.
Well we took corrective measures and things changed overnight. There was an instant positive reaction. All our video's are in high resolution accompanied with digital audio, the sound bytes are dead on accurate. We are very happy with this improvement. In order to better communicate with our customers and freinds we will be blogging atleast once a week, Like our You Tube channel our blog is an under utilized asset of our company. Not any longer.
The only drag thing that happened was Feb 17th I had an ulcer that burst. I also have a chronic intestinal infection which kicked into high gear from the ulcer's debris going through my intestines. On top of it my pancrease became infected it was a mess I was hospitalized 17 days. Since I do all the packing and correspondance our company ground to a halt. I was so hoping are stirling reputationwouldn't get affected. Most people were very understanding. Any issue's we had have been cleared up. I see the need to have someone else trained on the computer without a back up person we are very vulnerable. We are no longer the little Basement operation we once were, And that about wraps it up for this week kids. Until next time T.